Vendor PO Payments

Vendor PO Payments

  1. Vendor PO Payments
  2. ePayables
  3. Accounts Payable FAQs
  4. Match Exception Tipsheet


Vendor PO Payments

A Purchase Order (PO) is needed for all invoices to be paid through the Accounts Payable system. POs must be prepared through the Workday system by the end user and approved by Purchasing before an order is placed for goods or services.  All invoices to be paid through Accounts Payable require the following for payment to be processed:

  • A valid, unexpired PO number must be on each invoice, not in an attached document or email.
  • The PO must have sufficient funds to cover the full amount of the invoice(s).
  • If additional items are ordered on the same PO, the invoice cannot be paid until additional funds are added to the PO to create a match.
  • The vendor “remit to” address on the invoice must match the vendor “remit to” address on the PO.
  • Invoices for one company cannot be paid to an affiliate company. The vendor name on the invoice and the name on the departmental PO must agree.
  • Valid, unexpired work tag and spending category are required for payments as necessary.
  • Payments for invoices requiring department’s approval will not be released until the department approves the receiving document sent to them.
  • Invoices for foreign vendors require the completion of a W-8BEN (for individuals) and W-8BEN-E (for entities) available on the IRS website. These payments may be subjected to withholding tax.


        Invoices may be sent to Accounts Payable by any of the following methods:

               By US mail:         P.O. Box 248066
                                           Coral Gables, FL 33124-2943    

               By email:   

               By interoffice:     Accounts Payable, Gables One Tower, LOC 2943

               By Quicklinks:     (For internal senders only) - Use Option 2

               By fax:                  (305) 284-5309

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The University of Miami ePayables payment solution is a strategic initiative aimed at replacing check payments with credit card. By enabling vendors to receive payments for outstanding invoices from University of Miami via credit card, vendors will realize faster payments, improved cash flow and reduced paperwork. To learn more about how ePayables work, the many benefits of accepting payments by credit card, and answers to frequently asked questions about ePayables, please click here or copy and paste the URL into your browser.

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 Accounts Payable FAQs

  1. How do I submit an invoice for payment?

Log into Workday, select UM Quicklink then Option 2, Invoice Submission Form - Accounts Payable. Complete the form and upload the document.

  1. How should vendors submit invoices?

Vendors may use the Accounts Payable mailbox,, or send the invoices via US mail. If the PO # is not on the invoice, payment cannot be made.

  1. How can I ensure that my vendors get paid timely?

The invoice must be sent directly to Accounts Payable with the correct PO # noted on the invoice. If there is no PO#, there can be no payment. A requisition # should not be given to a vendor in order to acquire goods/services. Wait for the PO to be processed before ordering. 

  1. Can payment be made from a packing slip if the prices are listed?

No. Payments are made from invoices only. Packing slips, acknowledgements, quotes, statements or any other non-invoice document should not be sent to Accounts Payable. 

  1. How may I look up payment information in Workday?

You may use the Procurement Tip Sheet in Workday. To access the Tip Sheet, from Workday, select Option 4, Workday Finance Tip Sheets. Scroll down the page and select Procurement. From the Procurement page, under Business Process, select Locate Payment Details for a PO. 

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