Reports & Closings


  • Financial Statements

                Audited Financial Statements 

  • System Reports 
  • Reports in Workday      


Month End Closing

Month-End close is the processing of transactions at the end of each month. These processes are performed for a particular month to ensure that all transactions are posted and reflected on reports. The month is generally closed to the University departments by the last business day of the month end of day. An email communication along with a month end close calendar is sent out monthly to the University Departments with the specific closing dates. Please reach out to Elizabeth Delgado at (305) 284-4658 or Martha Arocha at (305) 284-2236 pertaining to any month end closing dates questions.

Year End Closing

An accounting procedure undertaken at the end of the year to close out business from the previous year, carry forward balances from the previous year. Year-end closing is part of a company's closing operations, and is used to create a company's financial statements. A year-end calendar showing the deadlines and other year-end closing activities, is referenced below.

Fiscal Year End Information & Closing Schedule: 

2024 Fiscal Year-End Memo 

2024 Fiscal Year-End Calendar

2024 Accrual Template

